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Hi there! According to this subject - is there a way to import Price extra / Value price extra in bulk? I know how to do it manually  = go to product - configure variants - per variant you can add extra price value ...


Solar panel A - Attribue= Type Roof - Value = Straight, Special (I have an extra price e.g. 10,- for Solar panel A,TypeRoof:Special) 

Solar panel B - Attribue= Type Roof - Value = Straight, Special (I have an extra price e.g. 20,- for Solar panel B,TypeRoof:Special)

Can someone help me out? I'm not finding how to do it easily - do it on product_template or product variant or attribute level? I'm a newbie in here! 

Kind regards


I have the same question. Did you find an answer ?

Back on Thursday, January 4. 

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Wishing you Happy Holidays! 

Kind regards,

Charlotte Rottiers

Best Answer

This will not work if you have extra prices per variant, but still want to haveprice list active. example

product A has 3 colours variant with different prices

But you still want pro cutomers getting 10% discount. 

So price list is not adequate to set-up variant prices, it is just a walkaround in some cases.

Any other suggestion ? 

Best Answer

Hi Chalortte,

You can use the price list for that. You can review this video and the high level steps below. I did the video in v15 but the steps should the same in v14.

Create a price list template import 

  • Activate the multiple prices per product (Sales > configurations > pricelist > multiple prices per product) 

  • In excel create your pricelist with the below column: (you can export the template pricelist and field from odoo)

    • Id > external id of your pricelist > don’t copy the external ID value for each row, you’ll other wise create new pricelists

    • Name > name of price list > don’t copy the value for each row, you’ll other wise create new pricelists

    • item_ids/id > external id of the line you want to update when exporting/importing > MANDATORY otherwise odoo will create duplicate lines of the ones existing in your pricelist

    • item_ids/product_tmpl_id/id > id of the article/product

    • item_ids/product_id/id > id of the variants from the product. You can retrieve the variant external id on the product.product model (sales > product > product variant)

    • item_ids/fixed_price > price of the product or product variant 

  • Import your file in the product.pricelist model (sales > products > price list)

And that's it :) 

Best Answer

Well , You can do that simply by creating a price  list , 

1- you have to activate the PriceList option from Sales>>Setting>

2- Create Pricelist then export it with fields you need from the "Pricelist Items " section 

3- fill your data  and import them 

4 Voila !! you have done it
