I am using openerp version 7 and need to hide below section from existing module. I tried with many ways but still unable to do that.please advice me to sort out this (line 933 in account module) is there any restrictions in core modules or something missing to me ?
<group string="Refunds" attrs="{'invisible':[('active','=',True)]}">
<field name="account_paid_id" domain="[('type','<>','view'),('type','<>','consolidation')]"/>
<field name="account_analytic_paid_id" domain="[('type','<>','view'), ('company_id', '=', company_id), ('parent_id', '<>', False)]" groups="analytic.group_analytic_accounting"/>
<field name="ref_base_code_id"/>
<field name="ref_base_sign"/>
<field name="ref_tax_code_id"/>
<field name="ref_tax_sign"/>