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2 Replies

As we plan to use Odoo website in the near future, I'm wondering how to hide non-products (i.e. Service fees) on website/e-commerce?  We like them to be available for internal (staff) use, when required, but definitely not for our customers to see on the website.


You mean the tax field on the payment screen for a customer? Why don't you simply delete that field from the webpage or leave it empty?

Hello Yenthe,

Thank you for your response. 

Unfortunately I'm not referring to the tax field on the payment screen.  I'm actually referring to service fees and charges, created as "Products".  For example, we have "Cheque Processing Fee" as a Product.  We don't want web customers to see this, because we use this for internal purpose.  We need someway to hide such "Products", so they will never appear on the website.  As we plan to use Odoo Website/e-Commerce in the near future, I assume all "active" products will be visible on the website.


On Monday, 6 October 2014, 17:58, Yenthe <> wrote:

You mean the tax field on the payment screen for a customer? Why don't you simply delete that field from the webpage or leave it empty?
Sent by OpenERP S.A. using Odoo about Forum Post How to hide non-products (service fees) on website?

Best Answer

On product form in sale tab you have field "Available in website"


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Hello Marek,

Thank you for your response.

I have just checked our Product > Sales tab and cannot found such field.  We are still running Odoo 7, so this must be a new feature for Odoo 8.  I will check it out after we have upgraded to the later version.

Thanks again for your help.



Just to confirm, the feature that Marek is talking about is indeed in Odoo V8.

Thank you for your help.  I will check it out after we have upgraded to V8.

Thanks again.


On Tuesday, 7 October 2014, 16:53, Yenthe <> wrote:

Just to confirm, the feature that Marek is talking about is indeed in Odoo V8.
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