Ubuntu 16.04 - Odoo 12 - VirtualBox
I've created a custom module where customer service can add tags to their orders in Sales > Orders using a many2many_tags widget.
The problem I'm running into are the Odoobot created tags that look like directories in the list. (web/content/637-6bb307d/stuff.js) These tags confuse customer service and I need to get rid of them. They are along in the list of tags with tags my company has made. (example tags: Customer Art, Production Art, etc..)
How do I hide or delete Odoobot created tags/attachments? Where are they coming from and why is odoobot creating them? There is also a long list of them that you can see when you click "Search more..." while adding the tags.
.py attachment = fields.Many2many('ir.attachment')
.xml field name="attachment" widget="many2many_tags"/>
I've found that the problem lies within having ir.attachment as my relation. Basically trying to have an attachment as a tag. That is where all the weird directory looking stuff comes from. I don't think I can hide the odoobot attachments but if anyone knows otherwise please let me know.