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Hi all,

I have been searching for several days now how to handle following situation.

A salesrep gives away free samples (beers) to pubs and retailers to try to make new customers.

Those free samples need to be handled and booked for adjusting stock and there need to be trace in the books. Products don't disappear in thin air for the tax controls.

How can this be handled?

I read suggestions to make salesinvoice of 0 EUR. But this is a very bad solution. No tax agency will be accepting this. (Would be 100's of 0 EUR invoices)

Other suggestion is just lower your stock, but no companies can simply lower their stock without traceability where they went.

Ideally there would be like a module for salesrep where they can book the free sample products so stock is update and proof of trace could be made up on monthly basis where salesrep can mention where the products went. And this could be added to the accounting. 

Anyone an idea because I can not believe I am the only one having this issue.



Thx, that seems like a good idea!

Best Answer


I am not sure that this is the proper solution. 

Create a new Operation Type with Source location as your WH/Stock and Destination as Sample (New Customer location need to be created). So, whenever you want to give the sample products to the customers go to the Inventory Dashboard and choose the new operation type and do the transfer. Then you will have traceability on the transferred products.
