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hi i have a field as given below,

'stage_id': fields.many2one('', 'Stage', write=['account.group_finance_manager'], read['base.group_sale_salesman'])

instead of giving the group name in write, i want to give write permission to a user with 'uid'=1, Is it possible?

Best Answer

That is not possible, you can only give access right permissions to groups and then assign those groups to users.

You can't give access right permissions directly to users.

You can create one group dedicated for one user and get the result you are looking for


Suppose if we have more than one administator in our system, And we wish to give a particular model to a particular administrator, so for that according that administrator to be group separately,right?

Yes indeed, just create a new group with those specific access rights and assign it to that administrator.

Okay thanks Mr.Karim.

You are most welcome.