Hi everybody,
I developped an android application that use XML-RPC to communicate with the server.
All request returns non-formatted text,
I tried to force the context but no changes
if not context :
context = {}
user = self.pool.get('res.users').read(cr, uid, uid, ['lang','tz'])
context.update({'lang' : str(user.get('lang',u'fr_FR'))})
context.update({'tz' : str(user.get('tz',u'GMT'))})
context.update({'uid' : uid})
result = {}
then I use :
for invoice in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
res = _('Name : ') + (invoice.number or '') + EOL
res += _('Etat : ') + ( invoice.state or '') + EOL
res += _('Date de la facture : ') + (invoice.date_invoice or '') + EOL
It returns :
Name : INV0002
Etat : paid
Date de la facture : 2014-04-22
A help please