I'm tying to get the product available quantity displayed on the on the ecommerce product page.
Adding <p t-field="product.qty_available"></p> in the the website_sale.product template does the job but information appears just when logged as a company user. Public visitors don't see it.
Is it possible to get this field visible to public visitors?
product.qty_available is a calculated field and the public user don't have access to stock_workshop and stock_location. Create other field qty_pubic_available and read qty_available using SUPERUSER_ID. Example for test if product is or not in stock. class product_template(orm.Model): _inherit = 'product.template' def _is_qty_available(self, cr, uid, ids, name, args, context=None): res = {} for product in self.browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, ids, context=context): if product.qty_available > 0: res[product.id] = True else: res[product.id] = False return res _columns = { 'is_qty_available': fields.function(_is_qty_available, type='boolean'), 'product_brand_id': fields.many2one('product.brand', 'Brand', help='Select a brand for this product.', ondelete='restrict'), }
Thanks for you response. Nice to hear there is a solution. In which model do I have to create the new field? Could you give some advise on where to put the code you suggested and also why you are refering to product brand?