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I need to add two selection fields in products: one for manufacturer (For example: LG, Samsung) and another selection field for the model that would depend from the selected manufacturer. For example, if we selected LG, then in models field we'll see only models for LG, and if Samsung is selected, then only models for samsung we can select in models field.

I'm trying to get value of selection field, but always get ony None instead:

from odoo import models, fields, api

class ProductManufacturer(models.Model):
_inherit =

def get_manufactures(self):
manufactures = []
raw_data =
for rec in raw_data:
manufactures.append((rec.manufacturer_id, rec.product_manufacturer))
return manufactures

def get_selected_value(self):
print('ALARM', dict(self._fields['product_manufacturers'].selection(self)).get(self.type))
return ('one', 'ONE')

product_manufacturers = fields.Selection(get_manufactures,
string='Manufacturer', required=True)

product_models = fields.Selection(get_selected_value)

My function get_selected_value for testing, also alarms there for testing too ;)
Can anybody tell how can I get the value from selection field?

I'll be grateful for any help.
Author Best Answer
at the moment, I got it like this:

from odoo import models, fields, api

class ProductManufacturer(models.Model):
_inherit =

def get_manufactures(self):
manufactures = []
raw_data =
for rec in raw_data:
manufactures.append((rec.product_manufact, rec.product_manufact))
return manufactures if manufactures else [('Nothing here :(', 'Nothing here :(')]

def get_selection_name(self):
models_lst = [
'Nothing to show here :(']
if self.product_manufacturers:
raw_data =
'product_manufact', '=', self.product_manufacturers)])
models_lst = raw_data.product_model.split(

def get_models_for_selection(self, some_lst):
models_selection = [(model.strip(), model.strip())
for model in some_lst]
return models_selection

product_manufacturers = fields.Selection(get_manufactures,
string='Manufacturer', required=True)

product_models = fields.Selection(get_models_for_selection,
string='Product Models')

but it still doesn't work because of error: TypeError: get_models_for_selection() missing 1 required positional argument: 'some_lst'

I tried to make it with @staticmethod and there is no error, but then I have the empty field product_models.

you are getting this some_list error because your method 'get_models_for_selection' takes an argument named some_lst but when you are giving it as a selection parameter you haven't passed any argument, I am talking about the following line

product_models = fields.Selection(get_models_for_selection, string='Product Models')

what you need to do is change some_lst param from being mandatory to option, something like this get_models_for_selection(self, some_lst=[]):


Divyansh Tripathi, thank you for your answer. I solved my problem with a third-party module web_domain_field.

Best Answer

please can you tell me how u solved the problem with web_domain_field because i have the same problem
