I am trying to get a related field value from database, but it showing column 'column_name' does not exist.
When i try to find out the value of product_id or using join to find the common data between sale.order and product.product Model . but it showing column 'column_name' does not exist.
In sale.order model the field defination is like
product_id = fields.Many2one('product.product', related='order_line.product_id', string='Product')
But when i try to join two table like below code to fetch all data as per product, like below code.
select coalesce(p.name,'Unassigned Product'), count(*) from sale_order o left join product_product p on o.product_id = p.id where o.state = 'sale' group by p.name;
It showing below error,
column o.product_id does not exist
LINE 1: ... from sale_order o left join product_product p on o.product_...
When i try to get data from sale_order table like below code.
select product_id from sale_order;
It showing below error.
column "product_id" does not exist
Can any one help me to get that value.
without adding store=True in python code the related fields will not store into the Database by default
in xml you have give an attribute force_save="True"
I know that attribute, but this field is sale.order base field and no. of data also there. So i don't want to update that field. If i update that field it will not affect the past data. So any other option is there? Please tell me.