I am creating a wizard on stock updation. But for updating a product, i am giving a many2one field where product.product can be added,a many2one field where stock location can be added and the after that, another many2one field to add lot.
When i select a location from stock location, i want to set only the lots which comes under that specified product and in that location in the lot field.
How can i set my domain of lot id like this?
firstly, when i looked at the stock.production.lot model,it doesn't have
any stock.location field connected with it. But, the lots which are
created in stock.production.lot are connected to WH/Stock location. But i
can create lots in other location through stock.quant.
I read the code, but couldn't find anything connecting stock.location
and stock.production.lot.
When i am updating/creating a lot in stock.quant,the lots are shown on
the basis of stock location onchange.