In my sales order invoice template I get only one variant attribute of a product.I want to print all variants of a product in my invoice template.I tried this below code in report_invoice_document
enter code here
<t t-set="itr" t-value="0"/>
enter code here
<tr t-foreach="o.invoice_line_ids" t-as="l">
enter code here
<t t-set="itr" t-value="itr+1"/>
enter code here
<td><t t-esc="itr"/></td>
enter code here
<td><span t-field=""/>
enter code here
||<span t-field="l.product_id.product_variant_ids"/>
enter code here
<span t-field="l.product_id.is_product_variant"/>||
enter code here
<span t-field="l.product_id.attribute_line_ids"/>||
enter code here
<span t-field="l.product_id.attribute_value_ids"/></td>
and I get the output
[456] pants (Blue, Small)||product.product(2,)True||product.attribute.line(10, 11)||product.attribute.value(1, 4)
Is there any solution to solve this ??