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I would like to for development purpose fully automatically create Odoo instance using packaged installer.

I know how to configure PostgreSQL, install Odoo itself, but how to avoid web interface configuration, but rather pass all necessary information through odoo.conf and automatically create DB instance and install preferred applications?

Any examples?

Also, is there reference odoo.conf with all possible options?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

I think what you need is the odoo.conf flag:
server_wide_modules = 
here you can add all modules you like to be installed when a DB is created.
If you want to populate the db with informations after that, you need to create a module that writes the informations after installation. And if you automatically install the module with that flag... voila.

Odoo Beratung Deutschland

Best Answer

If you need to create and install the modules, you can utilize the odoo command line interface, from which you can create db and install the needed modules in it.

Odoo Command Line:  How To Create Database From Terminal Odoo CLI

Module Installation:


Best Answer

You should review

This lists all the command line arguments for Odoo.

Most of the command-line options can also be specified via a configuration file. Most of the time, they use similar names with the prefix - removed and other - are replaced by _ e.g. --db-template becomes db_template.

Your best bet is to create a module that is set to automatically install and depends on the other modules you want to install.

See also:
