How can I format a date in an email template (send invoice by email for example) in Odoo 13?
It seems that this has been changed since V12. In Odoo 12 I have used the following placeholder to format the invoice date ${format_tz(object.date_invoice, tz='UTC', format='%d/%m/%Y')}
But now the same placeholder doesn't work anymore and I receive the following error:
Failed to render template using values {'format_date': <function MailTemplate._render_template.. at 0x7fa452db9c80>, 'format_datetime': <function MailTemplate._render_template.. at 0x7fa45131b048>, 'format_amount': <function MailTemplate._render_template.. at 0x7fa45131b2f0>, 'format_duration': <function MailTemplate._render_template.. at 0x7fa45131b268>, 'user': res.users(2,), 'ctx': {'lang': 'en_US', 'tz': 'Europe/Brussels', 'uid': 2, 'allowed_company_ids': [1], 'template_id': 31, 'active_model': 'mail.template', 'active_id': 31, 'active_ids': [31], 'template_preview_lang': 'en_US', 'safe': False}, 'object': account.move(86,)}
UndefinedError: 'format_tz' is undefined
All this can be tested and reproduced on odoo runbot.
Thanks in advance for any kind of help.
thanks for your answer, this is working for v14 too!