Hello there,
since some days, when we share a url on facebook, it's only the description and name in english who appears.
did you notice a change? how did you manage it?
Before, we got name and description of the product in french if the shared url was in french.
I'm on the last version of Odoo 8 (nightly) and I use nginx.
Each time that I scrape again a french link in the Facebook debugger, I note those lines in my log. An error 301 for the french url, and after, the english url is ok :
2016-06-29 22:20:29,330 2859 INFO odoo-test werkzeug: - - [29/Jun/2016 22:20:29] "GET /shop/product/robe-transparente-chaude-et-rose-taille-unique-984 HTTP/1.0" 301 -
2016-06-29 22:20:29,728 2859 INFO odoo-test werkzeug: - - [29/Jun/2016 22:20:29] "GET /en_US/shop/product/pink-lipstick-amnesia-seamless-hot-dress-one-size-984 HTTP/1.0" 200 -
If I put a french url in my browser address bar, the site is correctly loaded in the correct language. ???
But if I put the same french url in Facebook, error 301.
I had two languages on my site : french and english. Everytime I use the facebook debugger, all french links are redirected to the english one (see above).
I have made a test. I have disabled the english on my site. Only the french is still active (in website settings). Now, all my french posts on facebook debugger are well in french. That's great.... But I don't have the english anymore on my site....
I'm asking to me if this problem should be managed with my nginx installation...