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2 Replies

I'm using in V13.

For exemple: I have a product with Unit of Measure: "Uts" but it must be purchased and sold in packs of 12. (12, 24, 36... )

Is there a way to force it and don't admit quantities not multiple of 12? (Specialy in sales) 

Best Answer

Turn on Product Packagings:

Create Packaging options like this:

Then your Users will manage Sales Orders like this:

Review the documentation at


Thanks for your help, Ray.

This may be useful, but it doesn't prevent selling in quantities that do not match the packs.

The user can put n units, leave blank the pack and the system will admit it.

But how often they may do this can only be known by having them try. There could be legitimate reasons for selling in other multiples. Try to resist deciding how well a feature will work without trying it.


Thanks again for your contribution.

Of course I have tried the proposed solution. I am just saying that it does not solve the problem that my client is facing.

He wants to prevent a product from being sold in quantities that don't match the packs.

If the product is available in packs of 6, 12, 15 and 24, he would like to prevent the sale of 2, for example.

Best Answer

Guess having the package dropdown as mandatory field in SO wouldn't help either, unless all your saleable products are only sold in packs

Would defining packs as attribute value and assigning them to products as variants be a practical option?
