I have a problem. So the product is set with route MTO so when I got order, MO is created as draft. If I dont validate the MO on the day, tomorrow and next day will create the duplication of that MO same quantity same date so difficult to find which one that related with stock move of the Sales Order.
I got information we must choose that MO which generate first time, if not when I want to validate the picking order, the stock wont be reserved even the actual on hand stock we got enough.
My question, if I already make mistake to validate wrong MO and the stock wont be reserved in the picking order, where I can find a link between the stock move with the MTO and change it according to the MTO that I have validated? I search everywhere but I cant found it.
MO that I was validated but cant be reserved
Another MO that still automatically generated because I didnt validated the right MO ( I made wrong choice from the duplication of MO)
One of four of draft MOs that showing the same source with top above validated MO (showing the same SO number)
Thank you in advance for anyone who can help me!