I am trying to recover data from a broken odoo installation (uprade got screwed up).
I have exported all the tables to CSV using postgresql (psql). I would also be able to handle many2one and one2many relations.
For many2many relations, I need a way to programatically find out which database table contains the relation details (ids from both the models). I tried to get the data from the ORM "fields_get" function using xmlrpc. The field definition returns a dictionary which has a key named 'relation'. However this key contains just the name of the other table/ model involved in the relation. For many2many relations there is another 3rd table involved. I am unable to find where odoo stores the name of this table.
You can get the name of the relation table by seeing the fields definition only. Or, odoo maintains a separate table called 'ir_model_relation' containing the module id(like, Project) and the object(model) id(like project_project ) with relation tables name for that object, you can use this table to get all the relation for that particular model(object) .