Hello everyone
I've created a model, that relationates two models in a many2many relation like this:
class ticeting_dashboard_priority(models.Model):
dashboard_id = fields.Many2one('service.dashboard', 'Dashboard', domain="[('type','=', 'dashboard')]", required=True)
priority_id = fields.Many2one('ticketing.priority', 'Priority', required=True)
Now i have the service.queue model like this :
class Queue(models.Model):
_name = 'service.queue'
dashboard_id = fields.Many2one('service.dashboard', 'Dashboard', required=True,
domain="[('type','=', 'dashboard')]")
name = fields.Char(String='Queue', required=True)
code = fields.Char(String='Code', required=True)
post = fields.Char(String='Post', required=True)
current_ticket = fields.Char(default='N/A')
next_ticket = fields.Char(default='N/A')
users = fields.One2many('service.users.queue.rel', 'queue_id', 'Users')
queue_ids = fields.One2many('service.ticket', 'queue_id', 'Users', domain="[('type','=', 'dashboard')]")
priority = fields.Many2one('ticketing.priority', 'Priority', required=True, default=lambda self: self.env['ticketing.dashboard.priority'].search([('dashboard_id','=',self.dashboard_id)]))
as you can see i have a dashboard_id field.
So i've a a table that relationates dashboard with priorities but now i have the queues that are related to the dashboard and i want to select only the priorities that belong to the dashboard for that queue, and thus i have the priorities field in that are related to the service.priorities field, but i want to filter it based on the dashboard id from the relation table.
thanks in the advance