For example: I need to filter tasks for "Monday" and i don´t know how to do it.
I have tried in several ways but I can´t find the solution.
I done it for "Last Week" and "This Week":
<filter string="Last Week" name="last_week" separator="1"
domain="[('date', '>=', ((context_today()+relativedelta(weeks=-2, days=1, weekday=0)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))),
('date', '<=', ((context_today()+relativedelta(weeks=-1,weekday=6)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')))]"/>
<filter string="This Week" name="this_week" separator="1"domain="[('date', '<=', ((context_today()+relativedelta(weeks=0, days=7, weekday=-1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))),
('date', '>=', ((context_today()-relativedelta(weeks=1, weekday=0)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')))]"/>
Can you explain your filter usage in detail ?
I have 2 filters: "This Week" and "Last Week"
And I need to add filters for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc...
When i select "This Week" filter i can see the tasks of the week and also when i select the filter "Monday" i need to see the tasks of this Monday.
Sorry for my English.