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2 Replies

I use tags for blog posts and I would like to add block of last few posts in different pages on our website using default Blog Posts snippet.

Unfortunately by default, there is no such option to filter this posts with tag(s).

I just would like mention again that I don't talk about the default blog post list page.

Best Answer

I test on the latest version and unfortunately odoo doesn't have that feature, but i think it can be done via coding or using custom addons that why Mr Nhat insist you to contact him probably he know how to code it. Good Luck


hi Dương Nguyễn, i see what you mean and i would appreciate Nhat but I think it would be very useful to share the code he wrote. in this way, everyone who searches for this solution can find it here.

Best Answer

Acctualy, I do not have enough Karma to add picture, link or new comment, but I'v already answer your same question in stackoverflow. So please post my answer in here if you have enough Karma for others who face the same problem!


hi Nhat, unfortunately no.

HI, goerge, I already found the way to add an options that filter Posts byTags. Happy to help. My email


hi Nhat, great to hear that. can you share the solution here in the forum with the community so if there is somebody else looking for that can also see the solution.

Acctualy, I do not have enough Karma to add picture, link or new comment, but I'v already answer your same question in stackoverflow. So please post my answer in here if you have enough Karma for others who face the same problem!