Hello All,
i am trying to extend a template using t-jquery but it is not working.
Main template:
<template id="auth_signup.login" inherit_id="web.login" name="Sign up - Reset Password">
<xpath expr="//button[@type='submit']" position="before">
<a t-if="signup_enabled" t-attf-href="/web/signup?{{ keep_query() }}" class="btn btn-link pull-right">Don't have an account?</a>
<a t-if="reset_password_enabled" t-attf-href="/web/reset_password?{{ keep_query() }}" class="btn btn-link pull-right">Reset Password</a>
In that i want to change this field:
<a t-if="signup_enabled" t-attf-href="/web/signup?{{ keep_query() }}" class="btn btn-link pull-right">Don't have an account?</a>
<a t-if="signup_enabled" t-attf-href="/custom_signup" class="btn btn-link pull-right">Don't have an account?</a>
Thanks in advance..