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in odoo 13,I have a custom SQL query,as follows:

select * from test_table1
where number = self.number and ( or spec = self.spec)
order by (
case when then 1 else 0 end +
case when spec=self.spec then 1 else 0 end
) desc

I want to know how to express the complex where and order Part with odoo's ORM?

In fact, my business is that I have a button in the form. After clicking the button, I get the form field parameters in the background, and then perform the above fuzzy query to return to a tree view or table

def action_genmatchlist(self):
    return {'name': 'Gen Match List',
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
            'views': [[False, 'tree']],
            'res_model': 'test.table1',
            'target': 'new',
            'domain': [('number','=',self.number)],

so,I have three questions about this.
1、how to express the where and order Part with odoo's ORM?
2、Can I sql query data by format first, and then attach the data to act_ Window parameter?
3、How to return sql query data to web ,use table template.
