The requirment is i have created a dropdown button next to month button in calendar. If i click on that dropdown it show the value t1,t2,t3..
Now if i click t1 from dropdown. inside Calendar view it should display 't1'.
XML Code:
<div t-if="widget.model === 'service.advisor.planner'" id="myDropdown" class="dropdown-content">
<option value="planner">Planner</option>
<option value="bays">Bays</option>
<option value="drivers">Drivers</option>
<option value="technician">Technician</option>
JS code: written in fullcalendar.js
t.firstStep = firstStep;
function firstStep(this) {
//Grab information from input element object
// /and place them in local variables
var select_name =;
var option_value = element.value;
}var option_user_selection = element.options[ element.select_name ].text;
I need to know that how to execute xml code from JS function?