I also added a nice map with the insert block of treehouse theme but wouldn't need the default map there. How to remove it totally?
Found a solution (look the comment, but it is missing the code part in it)
Although, I'd like to edit a xml template in the theme folder for this type of stuff, I did get a solution to edit this now:
Go to Settings -> Technical -> User Interface -> Views
Search for "website.company_description" (or just "company" and select the right one from the filtered list).
Edit the view and comment out the map part of it in the following way:
<a t-att-href="res_company.google_map_link()" target="_BLANK">
<img class="thumbnail img-responsive" t-att-src="res_company.google_map_img()"/>
</a> -->
You may loose these edits when upgrading Odoo or it's core Website functions but when uninstalling, installing themes, these edits should keep intact.