In a module that I've created (class miadi_packaging), I want to do a SELECT query on the product.product table.
How can I do it ?
Thanks for help
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In a module that I've created (class miadi_packaging), I want to do a SELECT query on the product.product table.
How can I do it ?
Thanks for help
Hello MIADi,
its not product.product. You should write like this produits = self._cr.execute("SELECT display_name FROM product_product") .
Postgres takes as product_product instead what we give in ODOO _name = 'product.product'
eg sale.order in ODOO takes as sale_order in Postgres.
Usually you do this with the default ORM functions from Odoo. In this case with self.env where you do a search on your table:
# Will get any record from the table product.product
results = self.env['product.product'].search([])
# Will only get products where there is a price filled in:
results = self.env['product.product'].search([('lst_price', '!=', 0)])
You can also execute SQL queries to postgreSQL thanks to the cursor that is available in any method within Odoo. This will, however, bypass all the safety checks and features in Odoo. An example of code:
result = self._cr.execute('select * from product_product')
# Do something with your results here.
Usually it is best to use the ORM but if you wish to query a lot of records and only need one specific field a cursor will be a lot faster.
For more information see https://www.odoo.com/documentation/10.0/reference/orm.html#environment
Hello Yenthe, When I execute this res = self._cr.execute('select * from simple_controller') I Got None in res
Got It.
self._cr.execute('select * from simple_controller')
for res in self.env.cr.fetchall():
print res
The Query is "select name from product_template" . Product name is in model product.template not in product.product .
Hi, yes we can get the name with this but I want the name of the product and the variants like this : "iPod (16)" and "iPod (32 Go)" but now, I've "iPod"
Hi, Annadurai
Thanks, it was the error but it's tell me another issue : la colonne "display_name" n'existe pas. However, I think it exists.
So, can you tell me how can I take the name of the product in my SQL query ?
look at the table structures and use joins.
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