Im trying to delete the current record in model a via the button from model b.
I'd tried to used unlink() .
model_b.py :
name = fields.Many2one('hr.employee')
The wizard button in model_b.py :
def del_rec(self):
for rec in self:
abc = self.env["model.a"]
xyz = abc.search([('name', '=', rec.name.id)])
but it will delete all records in model_a.py .
So how to delete the current record in model_a.py from model_b.py ?
Please help!
Thank you!
Your xyz gives you one or more ids by matching the employee between model a and model b.
In this, which record of model a you mean as current record .?
Please be more specific or clear with your requirement
Hi Karthikeyan,
Thank you for your answer. When creating the record in model_a.py, I used context to pass the name to the model_b.py. So now, to determine the current record, I think I just use this condition: Is the name in model_a.py the same as the name of model_b.py or not? If the names match, then delete the record. That's my idea, or can you please give me the example or idea to do that. Thank you!