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I have defined some products with the wrong kind of Uom. The only way I found out is to define a product with the good Uom is to define a new product with the good Uom.

The problem is now I cannot delete the wrong product because there are product moves involved.

I first have to delete the involved product moves.

But the product moves cannot be deleted because they are not in the draft state.

How to end this float of new problems?

How to troubleshoot this (maybe also some quotations and orders in process) and set the product move to draft state?

Best Answer

You can't do this. You can only set the active value of product to False so OpenERP doesn't show it to you and doesn't consider it in the function but keep it in the database.


I hope you are wrong. If your are right suggestion is ok. An other thing as a workaround is to rename the product in reserve 1/2/3/etc and reuse it in the future. I wait some time for answers from others before accept this as "the" answer.

Hi, never delete record in openerp when id is present in an other table, else you will have some errors if you do not delete records which have the id present, can you check all tables to find this id ?, use active field, it is made for that. Bye


@GEM "active field" Is this a software tool plug in windows linux or a method to be sure or something else?

@toni, active field is a fields.boolean in a lot of class, if the field is set to True, the record will be invisible in the list view, this is just a filter in the view made by openerp, record is again in postgresql tables, you can refind its in the view by doing a manual filter in the list view with active = True. bye