Hey Everyone. feeling stuck.
truely, its 13,000 items in inventory and each item has approx 3 boms attached. so its almost 40000 BOM entries.
TEST 1 ( this addon), cleans other stuff, but not BOMs
TEST 2 i tried this addons, even though it claims to do so , but fails.
ontacting dev also didn't helped. so now,
Q. how dangerous is to delete all entries from database directly using some DBADMIN tool like pgAdmin / dBeaver. ?
Q. do i need to delete mrp.bom (table entrries) ?
Q or should i delete mrp.bom.lines (table entiesas well)? or deleting above will delete these automatically.?
Q. what is exact sql cmd to delete all BOM table entries.?
thanks in advance for all the help.
regards, haseeb