I have 2 models, 'cus.enq' and 'cus.act'. The models for customer enquiries and customer activities. Some fields in both models are common.
class CustomerEnquiries(models.Model):
_name = 'cus.enq'
task_ids = fields.One2many('cus.act', 'enquiries_id')
partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string="Customer Name")
source_id = fields.Many2one('utm.source', string="Source")
email = fields.Char()
partner_phone = fields.Char(string="Phone")
partner_mobile = fields.Char(string="Mobile")
Here i have a one2many field that is related to 'cus.act' model.
class CustomerActivities(models.Model):
_name = 'cus.act'
action_id = fields.Many2one('lmc.action', required=True, string="Action")
create_uid = fields.Many2one('res.users', string="Created By", readonly=True)
source_id = fields.Many2one('utm.source', string="Source")
partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string="Client")
partner_phone = fields.Char(string="Phone")
user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string="Responsible")
partner_mobile = fields.Char(string="Mobile")
email = fields.Char()
enquiries_id = fields.Many2one('lmc.enq')
<page string="Related Tasks">
<field name="task_ids" nolabel="1">
<tree editable="bottom"
<field name="create_uid"/>
<field name="action_id"/>
<field name="user_id"/>
in xml the page is one2many of cus.enq module.My question is i want to create the record of models 'cus.act' from the model 'cus.enq'. How it is possible. I want to create the create when the save button is pressed.I know the create method is used here.Please help me how it is used here.Thanks in advance.