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I'm trying out 11.0-20171220 Community Edition and I can't get something to work and it is vital for my company.

In summary: I have 3 companies and I need that each company is able to create RFQs for their main vendor. I need one RFQ for each company, and that company should only be able to see it's own RFQ and not RFQs from other companies. As of now, the only thing I've been able to achieve is to get one RFQ that summarizes the quantities from all companies.

I know it's a long text but please bear with me as I try to explain in detail my current scenario and business needs:

1. I have 1 parent company (Parent1) and 2 child companies (Child1 and Child2).

2. I have several products and checked the 'Common Product Catalog' setting.

3. I have 1 main vendor (Vendor1) from whom companies Child1 and Child2 will purchase most of their products.

4. Vendor1 and products were created under the parent company Parent1

5. I have reordering rules setup for the products. Different reordering rules were created for each company (Parent1, Child1 and Child2). This is because each company has different sales volume and thus different minimal on-hand requirements.

6. I have one user for each company, each user is only allowed for its respective company.

7. I log-in with Child1 user and run the Scheduler. Then I repeat the same for user and company Child2

8. I can't see any RFQs from within any child company.

9. I log in as admin user (which can see the 3 companies) and with that user I can see the RFQs

10. Problem1: I need that each company is able to see their respective RFQs

11. Problem2: the created RFQ for Vendor1 has the reorder quantities summarized for all companies. I need a separate RFQ per company

12. fyi: I tried this all over again, but this time, changing the dependency of the companies. This time the companies were independent; however, I still got the same result.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Best Answer

Hello Rolando Lopez,

There is one app in odoo store which will generate products PO / Internal transfers between warehouses / Inter company transfers according to demand of the products for the particular warehouse.

Multi-company scenario gets covered in that. All documents gets created for appropriate company.

Here is some highlights of this app.

Advance purchase ordering / reordering

  • Forecast Sales

    • Sales forecast rules for warehouse, products & period specific

    • Sales forecast

    • Sales forecast rules import / export

    • Sales forecast import / export

    • Export normal sales

    • Auto create forecast sales

  • Purchase Requisition

    • Based on Past Sales

    • Based on Forecast Sales

    • Warehouse wise configuration to generate requisition and an option to deliver it to specific warehouse

    • Generate requisition for more than one warehouses and can be delivered to choice warehouse.

    • Approval/Rejection of purchase requisition

    • Send an email for approval or rejection

    • Separate purchase orders created based on destination warehouses

    • Separate reports of individual requisition and summary of requisition

  • Warehouse Requisition

    • Based on Past Sales

    • Based on Forecast Sales

    • Separate reports of individual requisition and summary of requisition

    • Approval/Rejection of warehouse requisition

    • Send an email for approval or rejection

    • Internal transfer will be created if source and destination warehouse belongs to same company

    • Inter company transfer will be created if source and destination warehouse belongs to different company

    • Inter company transfer along with all documents (SO/PO, Invoices)

  • Reports

    • Forecasted sales v/s Real sales

    • Forecast sales

    • Inventory coverage

    • Product recommendation for purchase requisition

Click here to read more about this app.

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