I'm working on these files to add a custom autoincrement value to each pos ticket generated in odoo v10:
Point_of_sale es el modulo
.. \addons\point_of_sale\static\
.. \addons\pos_ticket\static\src\
odoo code:
Model.js order_id_ : function (){ var x = 1; if(this.pos.order.id) { x = this.pos.order.id++; } else { x = x++; } function sequense(num) { var s = ""+ num; while (s.length < 8) { s = "0" + s; } return s; } return sequense(x); }, pos_ticket_view.xml <t t-esc="order.order_id_()" / >
odooSo far I get this error because the variable isn't yet created: