I'm trying to create invoice lines without any luck.
I can correctly create an invoice using the following code with dummy data:
line_id3 = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password,
'account.move', 'create',
From what i understand looking at the database i need to create 3 different Lines, each with different data in it but i don't really understand how it works.
If i try to create it using something like:
line_id1 = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password,
'account.move.line', 'create',
'name': 'test',
'debit': 1,
'credit': 0.0,
'account_id': 27,
I get the following error:
Cannot create unbalanced journal entry. Ids: [14]\nDifferences debit - credit: [1.0]
Has anyone tried creating invoices using xmlrpc and python and can point me in the right direction?