Hi, I have this form on view.xml:
<template id="request_loan" name="Loan Form" customize_show="True"> <!--inherit_id="website.contactus" -->
<t t-call="website.layout">
<section t-attf-class="container">
<div class="row col-md-12 text-center mt16 mb32">
<center><h1 style="font-family: 'Varela Round', Helvetica,
Arial, sans-serif;">Request Loan</h1> </center>
<form action="/loan_form/" method="post"
data-success_page="/cashflows/" class="s_website_form form-horizontal
container-fluid mt32" enctype="multipart/form-data"
data-model_name="loan"> <!--data-model_name="crm.lead"-->
<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" t-att-value="request.csrf_token()"/>
<div class="form-group form-field o_website_form_required_custom">
<label class="col-md-3 col-sm-4 control-label" for="contact_name_">Your Name</label>
<div class="col-md-7 col-sm-8">
<input type="text" class="form-control o_website_form_input"
name="contact_name_" t-att-value="request.params.get('contact_name_',
'')" required=""/>
<div class="form-group form-field o_website_form_required_custom">
<label class="col-md-3 col-sm-4 control-label" for="phone_from_">Phone</label>
<div class="col-md-7 col-sm-8">
<input type="text" class="form-control o_website_form_input"
name="phone_from_'" required=""
t-att-value="request.params.get('phone_from_', '')" />
<div class="form-group form-field o_website_form_required_custom">
<label class="col-md-3 col-sm-4 control-label" for="description_">Loan Request</label>
<div class="col-md-7 col-sm-8">
<textarea class="form-control o_website_form_input"
name="description_" required=""><t
t-esc="request.params.get('description_', '')"/></textarea>
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-md-offset-3 col-sm-offset-4 col-sm-8 col-md-7">
<span class="btn btn-primary btn-lg o_website_form_send">Send</span>
<span id="o_website_form_result"></span>
<a href="/cashflows/"><span class="btn btn-primary btn-lg"
<span id=""></span>
<div class="col-md-offset-3 col-sm-offset-4 col-sm-8 col-md-7">
And this controller:
@http.route('/page/request_loan/', auth='public', methods=['POST'], website=True)
def index(self, **kw):
return http.request.render('opencloud_cashflows.request_loan', {
I'm taking the contactus page as example.
But what I don't get, is why I need to validate this on a model somehow ie: data-model_name=
I've created this model for that:
class Loan(models.Model):
_name = 'loan'
contact_name_ = fields.Char("Nombre")
phone_from_ = fields.Char("Phone")
description_ = fields.Text('Loan Request Text')
But, there isnt a way to just create a form for website via module, which doesn't needs this validation?
On the original contact page, it took crm.lead as data-model, and the other weird thing is that I just can't send this email form, it says "An error has ocurred the form cannot be sent"
Any ideas?
PS = Right now it's giving me a 404 error on /page/request_loan/ , very weird.