Hello, I'm running python shell in the terminal with odoo and
I created a field like:
>>> from odoo import fields
>>> dateTest = fields.Date(default=fields.Datetime.now)
and then I do:
>>> type(dateTest)
and the result is:
>>> <class 'odoo.fields.Date'>
so I want to convert this value to a string or datetime.datetime so I can use the strptime command with this variable.
And when the conversion is done, if I do >>>type(dateTest)
The result should be either ">>> <type 'str'> or >>> <type 'datetime.datetime'>, depending on the conversion done.
Thank you very much.
Playing with odoo date field: https://learnopenerp.blogspot.com/2021/07/how-to-use-and-convert-date-field-format-odoo.html