I am trying to connect odoo 8.0 with zk device (ZKTeco model K40). I installed zklib to download attendance info from the device. I tried the following code:
import sys
import time
import zklib
from zklib
import zkconst
zk = zklib.ZKLib("", 4370)
When I print conn, its value is False, even when I am sure that the connection parameters are well. I tried pyzk library too, but I had the same connection problem. Then, I tried to connect with another zksoftware (ZKTime) and it connected. What else can I do to connect odoo 8 with zk device?
may be your device will not support the Zklib. contact the ZKTeco support
Is there another library I could use for new devices? or can you give me an idea of how I can modify the code?
Finally I could solve this problem using the zkemkeeper.dll and its methods. You were right the modules didn't work due to the device model.