My domain is conditional. How do i join them base on criteria below:
The function is to get ids from a table.
@api.onchange('month','year','department_ids','job_ids', 'date_from', 'date_to')
def onchange_data_criteria(self):
print('-----start processing payslip id from criteria-------')
slip_ids = []
domain = []
if self.month and self.year:
domain = domain + [('year', '=', self.year),('month', '=', self.month)]
if self.job_ids:
domain = domain + [('job_id', 'in', self.job_ids)]
if self.date_from and self.date_to:
domain = domain + [('date_from', '>=', self.date_from), ('date_from', '<=', self.date_to)]
payslip = self.env['hr.payslip'].search(domain).id
I got the following error:
File "/opt/odoo12/odoo/odoo/models.py", line 5308, in process if res.get('value'): AttributeError: 'hr.payslip' object has no attribute 'get'
Hope this will helps: https://learnopenerp.tumblr.com/