If you are using Ubuntu 14.04 and you have downloaded source from nightly and Odoo installation is done from opensourcer, you just need to install PgAdmin to check database of odoo.
You have to follow following steps to check your odoo installation is working properly or not:
1. Firstly Check your database name, then company and what is the base Currency set default in your database.
2. Now you required to check all the flow if is it working properly or not. Flows like:
Sale to Invoice, Sale to Purchase, Manufacturing Flow, etc. (You can get this form Odoo tutorials as well as from youtube.)
3. Create New Customer, Product, Sale order, Purchase Order and Print Reports of all these. (To Check whether your instance is bug free or not )
4. You can also create new database, new User. Login into database and then test it.
5. If you want to check what modules are installed:
Login through admin user:
Click on Setting Menu --> Modules --> Local Modules --> Go to Advanced Search menu (You will see default Filter : Apps) Remove that --> Click on Installed
All the installed modules will be displayed.
6. You can check default language : from Admininstrator click on that --> Preferences: In that you can see your Language, Email address, TimeZone, etc.
There are many things to check, can you please write here what exactly you want to check. Are you OpenERP Functional or Technical?
Thank You.