Hi, I am trying to create a module that changes the upper left OpenERP logo, at the top of left menu.
I have a basic knowledge of how to create modules.
In /openerp/addons/web/static/src/xml/base.xml
<td class="oe_leftbar" valign="top">
<t t-set="debug" t-value="__debug__ ? '&debug' : ''"/>
<a class="oe_logo" t-attf-href="/?ts=#{Date.now()}#{debug}">
<span class="oe_logo_edit">Edit Company data</span>
<img t-att-src='widget.session.url("/web/binary/company_logo")'/>
img t-att-src='widget.session.url("/web/binary/company_logo") this line is confusing me, because of widget.session.url.
In my module should I extend it and simply give the path of my image or is there any other way of doing this?
Any suggestions?