In the accounting app under the customers and in the invoice section, i want to print invoices but the challenge is that when i click on print, it directly downloads the report(PDF) but i want to show the preview first and then download if needed. I know this can be achieved by changing the report type to html from pdf in UI but i want to make code level changes to achieve this and I tried changing the report type to qweb-html from qweb-pdf in the report_invoice.xml file but it didn't have any effect and now i'm stuck and confused what to do and where to start. Any guidance or help is appreciated.
Thank you!
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Sent by Odoo S.A. using Odoo.
Can you check in a fresh database and see. Might be some custom code, creates the issue
Hi Cybrosys,
As I'm building a custom app, I've tried the solution given by Mitul and it worked just fine :) but i'm still confused as to why your approach and very similar to your approach was my approach didn't work
Nice to hear that you got a solution, so you have tried in the custom code, not inside the default code? we just thought you have edited the core and checked. Anyway, you have got a solution. :)
I firstly tried in custom code then when it didn't work i went back and tried in base code to verify whether my approach was right or not. Then when the base code version also didn't give out any result i thought my approach was wrong and approached the forums.
I have just started learning odoo and still at the very beginning stages and i'm glad to see your prompt answers whenever i post a question in the forum. Please keep up this good work and guide novices like us :) A million thanks from newbie's like me