Hello Community
i want to apply an family font to all reports at once how can i do that ?
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Hello Community
i want to apply an family font to all reports at once how can i do that ?
Maybe you can try to define the font in your header most reports use the same header i think
<t t-name="report.external_layout">
body {font-family:arial;};
<!-- Multicompany -->
<t t-if="not o and doc">
<t t-set="o" t-value="doc"/>
<t t-if="o and 'company_id' in o">
<t t-set="company" t-value="o.company_id"/>
<t t-if="not o or not 'company_id' in o">
<t t-set="company" t-value="res_company"/>
<t t-call="report.external_layout_header"/>
<t t-raw="0"/>
<t t-call="report.external_layout_footer"/>
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