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Currently, the Backorder created takes the next Delivery Order number. But I want it to be numbered as the created Delivery Order number plus a "-1" behind (Same as OpenERP(Odoo) V7.

E.g. I'm validating the Delivery Order number D000903, and there's a backorder that need to be created. Once I click Create Backorder, I want the backorder number to be D000903-1, instead of the next delivery order number D000904.

Best Answer

you can override the default behavior by implementing a custom method. Here's an example of how you can achieve this:

from odoo import models, fields, api

class StockPicking(models.Model):
_inherit = 'stock.picking'

def create_backorder(self):
"""Override create_backorder method to customize backorder numbering"""
res = super(StockPicking, self).create_backorder()

# Get the original delivery order
original_order = self.env['stock.picking'].browse(res['res_id'])
# Get the original delivery order number
original_order_number =

# Split the number to extract the prefix and suffix
prefix, suffix = original_order_number.rsplit('-', 1) if '-' in original_order_number else (original_order_number, '')
# Increment the suffix by 1
new_suffix = int(suffix) + 1
# Create the new backorder number
backorder_number = f'{prefix}-{new_suffix}' if suffix else f'{original_order_number}-{new_suffix}'
# Update the backorder with the new number
backorder = self.env['stock.picking'].browse(res['context']['active_id']) = backorder_number

return res

In this code, we override the create_backorder method in the stock.picking model. We retrieve the original delivery order number and split it into the prefix and suffix parts. We increment the suffix by 1 and create the new backorder number by combining the prefix and the incremented suffix. Finally, we update the backorder record with the new number.
