to change the state of record from website do we need to inherit the that state model.
imy file
from odoo import http , _
from odoo.http import request
class PortalAssignments (http.Controller):
_inherit = "op.assignment.sub.line"
@ http.route ( '/ assignment / submited' , type = 'http' , auth = 'public' , website = True )
def portal_submited_assignment_of_student ( self , ** kw):
assignment_ids = request.env [ 'op.assignment.sub .line ' ] .sudo (). create (kw)
return request.render ( "portal_assignments.portal_submited_assignment_of_student" , { ' assignment_ids' : assignment_ids})
#method for submit action method
@ api.multi
def act_submit ( self ):
result = self .state = 'submit'
return result and result or False
xml code:
<button type = "object" name = "act_submit" string = "Submit" class = "btn btn-primary" >
<span class = "fa fa-long-arrow-right" />
please help me to solve this iam not able to change the record state