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6 Replies

yes , for example :

if I buy 2 orange , 1 apple , suddenly i add 3 orange again :

on Odoo 12 POS will be : 5 Orange , 1 Apple

on Odoo 10 POS will be : 2 Orange , 1 Apple , 3 Orange 

it will not be combine , it will be separate , I need a feature like this 

Best Answer


What you can easily try is that you can replace the add_product function in the  point_of_sale/static/src/js/models.js with the add_product function in the same path in odoo10.

This will work, make sure that it will not lead to any other issues.


Best Answer


There is one configuration for this. Activate the debug mode.

Go to Sales/Inventory Configuration, search and active the "Units of Measure" feature and go to user and give the access of "Manage Multiple Units of Measure".Now go to menu Sales -> Configuration -> Units of Measures Cateories.

select any category and open form view of that category. Into that there is one option "Group Products in POS".  now the products and products UOM which categories Group Products in POS is checked. that products showing in group in pos.

for eg.  UOM category weight and into this i have checked the Group Products in pos is checked.

now the UOM kg have the UOM category weight. 

product Orange have the UOM kg. so this product is showing combine into the pos.

IF you need combine then mark as checked the option "group products in pos". if you need seperate then

mark as uncheked the option "group products in pos" from UOM categories.

I hope this will helps you.


This is different from the scenario he has asked. This will group the same products only, not like he asked

as per given example the configuration is this one. if they need separate then unchecked the options "group products in pos" from UOM categories. if need combine then checked the options "group products in pos" from UOM categories.

see the sequence he given in the question he is already getting the product grouped in the odoo12, but in the odoo10 grouping is not as the odoo10.

Author Best Answer

Thank you for replying , 

I am attaching image , as what i have with odoo 10 , as I am looking a way to make it like this with odoo 12

As sometimes my customer , want to split the item , as for example , they buy 2 apple for eat , and 4 for takeaway

as my situation is car service center , sometimes the engine oil and transmission oil is the same oil , so we will split the item on receipt so the customer will know.


Please See the updated image in the answer