Hi , you can change decimal precision by going to :
Configuration / Technical / DB Structure/ Decimal precision
Best regards
Edit :
You may take a look at point_of_sale/static/src/js/widget_base.js around line 20
build_currency_template: function(){
if(this.pos && this.pos.get('currency')){
this.currency = this.pos.get('currency');
this.currency = {symbol: '$', position: 'after', rounding: 0.01};
var decimals = Math.max(0,Math.ceil(Math.log(1.0 / this.currency.rounding) / Math.log(10)));
this.format_currency = function(amount){
if(typeof amount === 'number'){
amount = Math.round(amount*100)/100;
amount = amount.toFixed(decimals);
if(this.currency.position === 'after'){
return amount + ' ' + this.currency.symbol;
return this.currency.symbol + ' ' + amount;
You can change the decimal value here :
this.currency = {symbol: '$', position: 'after', rounding: 0.01};
format_currency() is the function called in pos.xml to display prices.
<t t-name="ProductWidget">
<li class='product'>
<a href="#">
<div class="product-img">
<img src='' /> <!-- the product thumbnail -->
<t t-if="!widget.model.get('to_weight')">
<span class="price-tag">
<t t-esc="widget.format_currency(widget.model.get('price'))"/>
<t t-if="widget.model.get('to_weight')">
<span class="price-tag">
<t t-esc="widget.format_currency(widget.model.get('price'))+'/Kg'"/>
<div class="product-name">
<t t-esc="widget.model.get('name')"/>
Maybe you have to reload OpenERP