Please help. I've been working on a new tree view to show a custom list of stock consumption. Prior to showing the view, I need to delete all the existing records so that I can re-populate it with new data based on an input from a wizard (which asks for a year input).
I've managed to create the view and the wizard (ask year input and repopulate the table with new data). Below are my issues:
1. How can I properly delete the old records from the table?
2. How to call the wizard before the view is shown (from clicking the "Stock Consumption" menu item from Reporting menu of Inventory module). Where do I "put" it?
3. How to call the view after selecting (and processing) the wizard? Also, where do I "put" the code?
I'm using Odoo Enterprise v.12 by the way. Thank you in advance!
Below are the codes:
<!--tree view-->
<record id="stock_consumption_tree" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">Stock Consumption</field>
<field name="model">stock.consumption</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<tree string="Stock Consumption Report" decoration-warning="on_hand < min_qty or on_hand == min_qty" create="false" edit="false">
<field name="trans_date" invisible="1"/>
<field name="name" invisible="1"/>
<field name="default_code"/>
<field name="prod_name"/>
<field name="uom"/>
<field name="min_qty" widget="integer"/>
<field name="max_qty" widget="integer"/>
<field name="jan"/>
<field name="feb"/>
<field name="mar"/>
<field name="apr"/>
<field name="may"/>
<field name="jun"/>
<field name="jul"/>
<field name="aug"/>
<field name="sep"/>
<field name="oct"/>
<field name="nov"/>
<field name="dec"/>
<field name="month_avg"/>
<field name="on_hand" widget="integer"/>
<field name="on_hand_virtual" widget="integer"/>
<field name="avail_stock"/>
<!--window action-->
<record model="ir.actions.act_window" id="stock_consumption_action">
<field name="name">Stock Consumption Report</field>
<field name="res_model">stock.consumption</field>
<field name="view_mode">tree,form</field>
<field name="view_id" ref="stock_consumption_tree"/>
<!--menu item-->
<menuitem name="Stock Consumption" action="stock_consumption_action" id="menu_stock_consumption" parent="stock.menu_warehouse_report" groups="stock.group_stock_user" sequence="30"/>
from odoo import tools from odoo import api, fields, models class StockConsumption(models.Model): _name = 'stock.consumption' _description = 'Stock Consumption' _order = "default_code asc" _auto = False name = fields.Many2one('product.product', 'Product') trans_date = fields.Date('Transaction Date') default_code = fields.Char('Product Code', related='name.default_code') prod_name = fields.Char('Name', related='') jan = fields.Integer('January') feb = fields.Integer('February') mar = fields.Integer('March') apr = fields.Integer('April') may = fields.Integer('May') jun = fields.Integer('June') jul = fields.Integer('July') aug = fields.Integer('August') sep = fields.Integer('September') oct = fields.Integer('October') nov = fields.Integer('November') dec = fields.Integer('December') month_avg = fields.Integer('Monthly Average', compute='_compute_month_avg') uom = fields.Char('UOM', related='name.uom_name') min_qty = fields.Float('Min. Stock', related='name.reordering_min_qty') max_qty = fields.Float('Max. Stock', related='name.reordering_max_qty') on_hand = fields.Float('Qty On Stock', related='name.qty_available') on_hand_virtual = fields.Float('Forecast Qty', related='name.virtual_available') avail_stock = fields.Float('Stock Availability (in Months)', compute='_compute_avail_stock') state = fields.Selection([('active','On'),('cancel','Off')], string="Status", default="cancel", readonly=False) def _compute_month_avg(self): self.month_avg = (self.jan + self.feb + self.mar + self.apr + self.may + self.jun + self.jul + self.aug + self.sep + self.oct + self.nov + self.dec) // 12 @api.depends('month_avg', 'on_hand') def _compute_avail_stock(self): if self.month_avg: self.avail_stock = self.on_hand / self.month_avg
<odoo> <data> <!--Filter the year--> <record id="filter_year_view" model="ir.ui.view"> <field name="name">Filter Year</field> <field name="model">filter.year</field> <field name="arch" type="xml"> <form string="Year Filter"> <group> <span class="o_form_label">Please select the year to view the Stock Consumption.</span> <group> <field name="filter_year" string="Select year" widget="selection"/> </group> </group> <footer> <button name="do_filter_year" string="Retrieve Stock Consumption" type="object" class="btn-primary"/> <button string="Cancel" class="btn-secondary" special="cancel" /> </footer> </form> </field> </record> </data> </odoo>
from odoo import api, fields, models, tools, _ from datetime import datetime
class FilterYear(models.TransientModel): _name = 'filter.year' _description = 'Year Filter' @api.model def year_selection(self): year = 2019
# add succeeding years until this current year to the selection today = end_year = today.year year_list = [] while year != (end_year + 1): year_list.append((str(year), str(year))) year += 1 return year_list filter_year = fields.Selection(selection='year_selection', string="Select year", required=True, default=str( def which_month(dmonth): switcher = { 1: 'jan', 2: 'feb', 3: 'mar', 4: 'apr', 5: 'may', 6: 'jun', 7: 'jul', 8: 'aug', 9: 'sep', 10: 'oct', 11: 'nov', 12: 'dec' } return switcher.get(dmonth,'') def do_filter_year(self): if self.filter_year: # delete stock consumption records stocks = self.env['stock.consumption'].search([('state','=','active')]) for stock in stocks: _logger.debug(' \n\n \t '+ +'\n\n\n') stock['state'] = 'cancel' stock.unlink() # select transactions from warehouse to 'Production Floor' only move_items = self.env['stock.move.line'].search([('location_dest_id','=',7)]) if move_items: for move_item in move_items: if str(move_item.create_date.year) == self.filter_year: date_month = move_item.create_date.month self.env['stock.consumption'].create({ 'trans_date': move_item.create_date, 'name':, which_month(date_month): move_item.qty_done, 'state': 'active' })