Hi everyone.
I'm trying to do a server action that call another server action but with different model.
The model of my first action is purchase.order, which contains the lines of code
stock_landed_cost_line = record.env['stock.landed.cost.lines'].create(
'cost_id': stock_landed_cost_id.id,
'product_id': 7,
'account_id': 366,
'split_method': 'by_current_cost_price',
'price_unit': abs(price_landed_cost)
action = { "type": "ir.actions.server", "id": 640, "model_id": 426, }
My second server action has the id = 640 and the model of this one is stock.landed.cost, it's simple and the line of code is
At the moment that I trigger the first action, the next error appears:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'compute_landed_cost'
Am I doing something wrong? What is the appropriate way to trigger one server action from another server action?
Thanks for your help!