I am a beginner in python programming, how do you calculate the value of the one2many field? I have tried various kinds of references but still not resolved.
this is my code:
parking_log_ids=fields.One2many('parking_log','parking_log_id',string='Log Parkir', ondelete='cascade')
class ParkingLog(models.Model): _name='parking_log' _rec_name='vehicle_id' vehicle_id=fields.Many2one('vehicle',string='Nomor Kendaraan') vehicle_type_id=fields.Char(string='Jenis Kendaraan', related='vehicle_id.vehicle_type.name') start_time=fields.Datetime(string='Masuk', default=fields.Datetime.now, required='True', readonly='True') end_time=fields.Datetime(string='Keluar' ,states={'in' : [('readonly', 'True')], 'paid' : [('readonly', 'True')]}) rate_id=fields.Integer('Tarif / Jam', related='vehicle_id.vehicle_type.billing')
the value will always be updated as the value in the one2many field increases
and this is an image that shows the value that I will total (but in the picture the value is still 0) :
thank you in advance :D