We are trying to set up the following company structure in Odoo.
Costumer -> places an order
Company1 Sales - enter order - automatically generate order company2 - purchase invoice is equal to sale invoice company2 - create Packing slip for costumer - create invoice for costumer - deliver goods to costumer
Company2 Stock - Create Packing slip - packing slip equal to delivery order - create invoice for company1 (periodic/weekly) - if company2 does not have the right products -> order from company3 - automatically generate order company3
Company3 Stock - Create Packing slip - packing slip equal to delivery order - create invoice for company2 (periodic/weekly)
See link for the business case: http://postimg.org/image/ry4leb26r/.
The delivery of goods to company1 is not physical. It looks a lot like dropshipping.
We where wondering if this is possible with Odoo 8.
We already found this module: http://www.elico-corp.com/new-intercompany-process-module/ but it is for Odoo 7.0 only.
Is it possible to set this up in Odoo 8 without any new modules (i.e. with the intercompany options and pull/push routes)?
Or do we need the Intercompany Process Module (which we then need to rewrite to work with Odoo 8?)?
Edit: We now also found this: https://www.odoo.com/apps/modules/8.0/inter_company_rules/. Can that be what we are looking for?
we have to migrate new-inter-company-process-module into v8 because it should be like company itself behaving customer-supplier relationships.For more info contact@tidyway.in