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I have a float fields like this:

abc = fields.Float()

In the UI,  I want to set the float fields so that when the user is inputting the specific number, a thousand separator (,) should be added automatically in realtime to the number once it increments by 3 figures.....thousand, million, billion, etc... and when erased to below 4 figures the number goes back to normal.

Of course, when I click the save button, it will follow the thousands separator format that I set up in Translations -> Language -> English (US)

Please help!

Thank you!

Author Best Answer

Finally, I resolved my wish. Just create a widget with the function of auto populate commas or dots when the user enters values into the float field. The code look like this:

            var input = this.$el.html();

            var output = input.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ".")

And it works fine after click a button!
